Transforming High School Education in Africa
From West Africa to Finland for higher education and entrepreneurship: Peter and Olusegun’s entrepreneurial journey
Ghanaian Dr. Peter Zorve and Nigerian Olusegun Akinyemi met and found a common direction for their entrepreneurial path at the University of Eastern Finland’s Joensuu campus, in the Carelia building’s student restaurant. Peter, who came to work on his PhD in computational chemistry at UEF, had been supporting his young compatriots in IT skills both in his home country and after moving to Finland. Entrepreneurship would allow him to achieve this goal on a much larger scale.
EduZolve Oy at Draft Program, Joensuu
From the Draft Program® you’ll get funding and entrepreneurship coaching to help you to launch your business and become a successful service- and product developer. In the first phase, the funding is EUR 1,000 and in the second phase EUR 3,000.
All residents of Kuopio and Iisalmi and students, staff and alumni of Karelia, Riveria, Savo Vocational College, Savonia and UEF can apply for the program.
A Week with UEF Startups in Germany: Competitions, Building Networks and Gaining Experience.
From September 15th to 21st, four startup founders from the University of Eastern Finland spent a week in Cologne and Bochum, Germany. The aim was to provide the founders with an initial view of what is important when planning actions in an international environment, connecting with potential international networks, and eventually expanding their startups to international markets. The week was part of an ongoing collaboration with the University of Cologne, which began in 2019, as well as a newly initiated cooperation with Ruhr University Bochum. Therefore, the aim was also to explore the opportunity of operating in Germany through collaboration with Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Cologne.
EduZolve Oy at Tahko Ski Lift Pitch
Tahko Ski Lift Pitch on kansainvälinen bisnestapahtuma, jossa startup-yhtiöt pitchaavat bisnesideoitaan enkeli- ja pääomasijoittajille sekä kilpailevat 10000 euron rahapalkinnosta. Pitchauskilpailuun valitut startup-yritykset ja tutkimuslähtöiset tiimit edustavat monipuolisesti eri toimialoja. Mukana on muun muassa health-, med- ja biotech-alan sekä rakennusteollisuuden ja kiertotalouden lupaavia innovaatioita.Tänä vuonna kilpailussa on mukana poikkeuksellisen paljon erittäin lupaavia tutkimuslähtöisiä innovaatioita niin paikallisesta yliopistosta kuin kansainvälisesti.
EduZolve Oy at Africa Day 2024 at UEF
Africa Day is the annual commemoration of the foundation of the African Union, which took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 25th May, 1963. Africa Day is celebrated around the world and is an opportunity to appreciate and mark the African continent’s diverse history and heritage, while acknowledging its cultural and economic potential.
At the University of Eastern Finland, Africa Day represents an opportunity to acknowledge a diverse and important group of scholars and academics who enrich and make a valuable contribution to education and research in and on Africa
EduZolve Oy EDvance HUB Events
​The EDvance HUB event goes beyond being just an educational gathering—it is a transformative initiative reshaping the educational landscape in Ghana, Nigeria, and beyond. Through cutting-edge tools, community engagement, and equipping students for an AI-driven future, EduZolve EDvance HUB is paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. Our vision is to foster an IT-literate generation and bridge educational inequalities. This isn’t merely an aspiration; it’s a steadfast commitment to empowering young minds and uplifting society.